
Showing posts from April, 2014

Choral Speaking!!!!! ;)

                  (This is us but in cartoon version hihi...;))                       ASSALAMUALAIKUM & OLLA YOU GUYS!!!! Well,after a long time not updating anything,well,today I'm here!!!Lama gile3  x tulis kat blog ni.From awal tahun 2014(1/1/2014) sampai lah ari ni 11/4/2014...Yeah...mcm yg saya dh bgtau korang,name pon pemalas,so,x leh nk mengharap sgt la bdk ni tulis something new kat blog ni..So,back to our topic which is.....CHORAL SPEAKING!!!!This is the first time I represent the school for the competition.Me??Do you believe that??I mean like,bdk pemalas dpt masok...rezeki je kot..Cikgu ckp sape nk masok angkat tgn and bdk pemalas ni angkat tgn and dpt masok choral speaking...That's the story how I get in the choral speaking..So,back again to our topic which is CHORAL SPEAKING!!!Kiteorg dh practise for almost a month.Then,the competit...