My ship has been sailed! ๐Ÿ˜ญ❤

Source: Google Image


Hai and assalammualaikum gaiss!

Okay, first of all, I don't actually know that I would write this SOON. I mean, ingatkan it will take like dalam a few months or worst a few days la kan. Tapi it was like baru je beberapa jam lepas upload a new post and now dah ada post baru hahahaha. If I had several fans, they would go crazy seeing two posts in a day, when it's only a few hours apart! By writing this one, it shows that I enjoyed my last post so much that I can't wait to write a new one. Plus, I have something exciting that just going on and I had no one to tell (single life is real gais ๐Ÿ˜Œ)

So ape benda yang tak rilek sangat ni? I mean it's 2.30 a.m. kot hahahha. Rajin lak nak menaip memalam ceni an๐Ÿ˜‚ Okayla nak cerita niiii. I am a fan of Hospital Playlist. Actually, I watched Hospital Playlist sebabkan Kyung Ho which is Kim Jun Wan in the drama. He also known as Soo Young (SNSD)'s boyfriend and they have been dating for like 10 years mcm tu. Sebenarnya I first perasan dia from drama When The Devil Calls Your Name and dia dalam cerita tu like hensem gak and kelakar and my sister pun mcm minat gitu2 an dengan watak dia. So I googled him and I searched for what dramas and movies lagi kan dia berlakon. So I noticed time tu Prison Playbook kot dengan Hospital Playlist. So I decided to watch these two drama because of him. Bruh, both of the dramas was soo sooo soo sooo sooo goood. Like sumpah best giler. Dia punya kelakar tak leh bawak bincang and I even recommended the drama to my friend and she liked it as much as I am. Both of the dramas ni mcm underrated dkt Malaysia but famous la dkt Korea since dua2 drama ni being directed by Shin Won Ho, one of the famous director dkt Korea. So dari situ la start tengok Hospital Playlist. If you are a fan of Korean Dramas but haven't watched these two dramas, you better give these dramas a try. Sumpah recommended giler. You won't regret, I assure you. Dia punya best tu sampai ada after effect lepas tengok drama ni sumpah hahaha. Like you just can't move on once you have finished the drama. Sumpaaah, kalau tgk yotube yang ada short clips from these dramas, ramai cakap tak leh move on so bersiap sedia la dengan after effect dari dua drama ni. I watched Hospital Playlist right after Prison Playbook and I don't like Hospital Playlist time tu sbb still hooked with Prison Playbook dengan jalan cerita dia, dengan ending dia. And I keep on comparing dua drama ni sbb rasa Hospital Playlist ni biasa jee sampaila dah tgk a few episodes and dah move on dari Prison Playbook barula boleh enjoy drama Hospital Playlist ni. See, nampak tak after effect dia?  Lepas tu dh sangkut dengan Hospital Playlist, I had to go through this after effect lagi๐Ÿ˜ต hahahahah over kan? But, it's real guys so better watch out.

So tonight, diorang keluarkan episod baru for Season 2. (and one of the best things is that Hospital Playlist ada 3 Season ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰) And actually dah plan tau nak tengok when this drama dah habis because I just can't wait for weekly untuk a drama. So better la bagi keluar semua episod baru nak tengok. So boleh tengok hari ni, esok lusa mcm tu instead of week by week kan. But tonight is an exception. Because I shipped WinterGarden sooo much in the first season and I just wanted to know what happened to them. Incase you're wondering ape kejadahnya WinterGarden tu, Winter is actually the name of female resident, Jang Gyeo Ul.  Dalam Korea, Gyeo Ul tu means Winter. So Garden is actually Ahn Jeong Won, one of the main characters la dalam drama ni and as you can agak, Jeong Won means Garden. And if you guys ada niat nak tengok drama ni, I suggest you to stop reading this as I'm afraid I might spoil something. Interaction these two dalam season 1 sumpah comel gileer. Like, I was craving for their interactions dalam setiap episod kott. I really like how diorang letak sikit2 je interaction between these twoo sbb kalau banyak2 an mcm over and cringe kan. So bile sikit2 ni dia mcm nak tgk lagi dan lagi tau. Andd last episod of season 1 left me hanging mcm tu jee and I was so frustrated sbb mcmm ARGHH TAK CUKUP, NAK LAGIII. Ha mcm tu la. So dari situ mcm decide nak tengok first episode jeee sbb nak tahu what happened between WinterGarden ni. Bruh, nais teruk la first episode dia. I might be smiling throughout the episode. Buttt, the WinterGarden scene dalam episod 1 ni dah cukup dah makes me happy. So maybe I will wait for the rest of the episodes kot since I dah puas hati with today's episode. I have been waiting like bila la nak upload the first episode and bila dah keluar tu terus tengok hahahaha semangat betuul. Tak, dia punya excited lain macam tau hahaha. Maybe sbb dah tunggu for like several months kan. So this season mcm tertunggu-tunggu la gituu. 

Sumpah cakap excited gilaaa tunggu episod hari ni and I wasn't disappointed at all! Bila scene WinterGarden tu keluar, OMG rasa macam nak jerit jeeee๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† Kalau korang jenis ship ship orang, you guys might know how I feel hahahaha. And I am the type jenis suka rewind on my favourite part tau but today I tahan jeee. Maybe because mcm nak tengok mcm tu je, mcm nk tgk because nak tahu apa jadi dkt WinterGarden and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. So sebab tu kot tak rewind. Kalau tak, drama 1 jam 30 minit boleh jadi 2 jam sebab rewind semata hahahaa. So tu je la nak cerita. I was so excited that I feel like wanting to tell someone about this but I don't know who. Nak cerita dkt member, I think she's the type of person yang tunggu habis baru tengok. So tulis je la sini what I felt. Lepas ni, around September la sambung episode 2 or probably gonna restart watching from season 1 since I couldn't get enough of Hospital Playlist. Lagipun, Hospital Playlist ni mcm dia punya teaser for the next episode tak buat org eager nak tahu tau so I kind of boleh tunggu until all episodes has completed gituu. Lagipun, my ship has sailed pun kan so dah puas hati dah hahahaha.

Dalam drama ni, WinterGarden would be my ultimate couple la. Tapi ada je couple lain yang I ship like Seok Min ๐Ÿ’• Seon Bin ( I'm not sure the names tu betul ke tak. I just watched kan so mcm lupa hahaha)
Seok Hyung ๐Ÿ’• Min Ha ( This two actually cute tauu, sumpah ship teruk dua orang ni)
Chi Hong ๐Ÿ’• Seong Hwa ( I don't know tapi dua ni comeel and I betul2 ship dua org ni but if you already watched the season 1, you will know how this ship ended, sailing or karam ๐Ÿ˜ฌ)

Because of this, I don't actually ship IkSong that much sbb I have my own ship and I want them to sail so badly but the director just won't let it happen :') Its okay asalkan WinterGarden sailing, I am more than happy hahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ramai je ship IkSong but I'm not one of them la. Entah tak tau, tak rasa dua tu sesuai kot or maybe I am comfortable enough to see them become just friends and not more than that. And because I watched this drama sebabkan Kyung Ho so the interactions between Kyung Ho dengan Yeon Seok is another reason why I like this drama. These two like comeel gile and by that I  mean comel as friend yee. Maybe because Yeon Seok dah jadi my favourite actor lepas season 1 hari tu and I watched drama ni sebabkan Kyung Ho so when these two interact dalam drama makes me feel macam AWW COMEL LA DIORANG NII. Ha centu la. Not only in drama la tapi kalau dalam variety shows nampak interaction diorang, mmg happy la hahaha. I live for their interactions gituu. Plus Kyung Ho's girlfriend berlakon satu movie dgn Yeon Seok ni before they shoot Hospital Playlist Season 1. What a connection kan hahaha both boyfriend dgn girlfriend kerja dengan Yeon Seok hahahaha 

If you watched Hospital Playlist Season 1 kan, you will know why Yeon Seok is my favourite actor. Stail dia dalam cerita tu like hensem teruk kott. Pastu mcm charming gilaa arrrghh. You will fall more for him once you saw him played the drums. Time tu sumpah mcm macho gila mat dia ni. From that moment onwards, I have been Yeon Seok fans gituu hahahaha

Source: Google Image

Tengok la stail dia tuuuu. Hensem terukkk๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Kalau korang tengok Hospital Playlist, lagi stail bila dia main drum and you will continue falling for his charms. 

So tu je la eh untuk post kali ni. Macam kelakar sangat nak post sbb rasa excited tengok Hopsital Playlist Season 2. Tak boleh nak buat apa since I'm this drama's fan kan so yeah hahahha. Kepada awak yang membaca ni sampai habis, terima kasihla ya hahahaha. I wrote banyak gile kot so if you manage to baca sampai sini, tahniah la eh. Rajin betul awak ni membaca hahahaha. Or probably you are also a fan of Hospital Playlist? If that so, drop la comment. We can exchange opinions gituu hahahaha๐Ÿ˜‚

ps: It's already 3.30 a.m. and I can't sleep just yet sbb tengah transfer from phone to laptop and it seems like banyak lagi nak kena transfer ni๐Ÿ˜ญ I want to sleeep huhuhu. Plus tomorrow is actually the day where my dad is going to receive his first dose of Covid-19 vaccine tapi tak tau lagi vaksin apa so yeah. Saje bagitau hahahahaha anyway any recommendation for phone tak? Like big storage and nice camera perhaps and harga pun tak mahal. If ada, could you please let me know by dropping your comment below? Thanks and good night! Have a good day everyone๐ŸŒˆ I probably gonna sambung my Flipped movie on Netflix. Byeee!
pps: Okay it's almost 4.30 a.m now and I was about to go to sleep. Phone pun dah setel transfer and gambar Yeon Seok tu dah jumpa yayyy๐ŸŽ‰. It's about an hour to just cari for the best photo of him. Appreciate please hahahah. Semata nak pilih gambar yang dia hensem an, sanggup betul la haihh๐Ÿ˜Œ. Okayla byeee!



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